FM Approvals’ Labs Reopen!
FM Approvals is pleased to announce that, beginning on 26 May, the FM Approvals’ laboratories will reopen for testing! Testing is being rescheduled and project managers will be in touch with new test dates once the laboratories have reopened, status of the equipment confirmed and test conditions validated. Additional staff, multiple shifts and extended hours will be utilized to expedite the product testing as quickly and efficiently as possible. FM Approvals engineering and support staff not involved in the laboratory work will continue to support customers from home to process projects as the test results become available.
Please note that while FM Approvals works through the “new normal”, customers will not be allowed in the laboratories or in the offices. Customers will be notified when visits will be allowed. FM Approvals will also be piloting remote witnessing capability when laboratories reopen to allow customers to observe sample preparation and testing remotely. We will keep customers informed as this capability develops.
We appreciate your patience during these unprecedented times and look forward to our continued relationship in the times ahead.
Paris Stavrianidis
Chief Executive Officer