New Standard: FM 4479, Steep Slope Building Integrated Photovoltaic Roof Covers

Approval Standard 4479, teep Slope Building Integrated Photovoltaic Roof Covers, was published in October 2022 and states the testing and certification requirements for steep slope building integrated photovoltaic (PV) roof covers that are installed as the roof covering. Steep slope roofing is defined as a roof slope with an incline of >2 units per 12 units (9.50).

This standard evaluates steep slope building integrated PV roof covers for their performance in regard to fire from above and below the structural deck, simulated wind uplift, susceptibility from hail damage, electrical safety, and electrical performance.

These steep slope photovoltaic roof covers with integrated PV modules are supplied in several forms, including;

  • Self-sealing
  • Interlocking
  • Tab fastened