New Standard: FM 4540

Publish Date : 12 December 2022

Examination Standard 4540, ASTM E119, ASTM E1529, EN 1364 and EN 1365 Rated Assemblies, was published in November 2022 and states the testing and certification requirements for;

  • ASTM E119 and ASTM E1529 structural members and fire resistance rated assemblies
  • EN 1364 and EN 1365 fire resistance rated elements

Included in the scope are assemblies of masonry units, homogeneous and composite assemblies of structural materials for buildings, including load bearing and other walls and partitions, columns, girders, beams, slabs and composite slab and beam assemblies for floors and roofs.

ASTM’s strategic objectives include always being relevant and continuously enhancing the technical quality of standards and related content by providing a best-in-class, scalable development infrastructure. European Standards (EN), also known as European harmonised standards, are made up of ratified technical standards that promote free trade, the safety of workers and consumers, interoperability of networks, environmental protection, exploitation of research and development programs, and public procurement.

FM 4540 incorporates the tests and practices used in ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials; ASTM E1529 Standard Test Methods for Determining Effects of Large Hydrocarbon Pool Fires on Structural Members and Assemblies; EN 1364 Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements and EN 1365 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements to examine characteristics of rated assemblies for the purpose of obtaining certification.

FM Approvals’ ability to efficiently test and certify materials to the requirements of ASTM E119, ASTM E1529, EN 1364 and EN 1365 provides manufacturers with differentiated products to bring to the marketplace, backed by the scientific research and technical integrity associated with the FM APPROVED mark. No matter the product or the complexity of the test program, FM Approvals evaluates products against the highest standards.

If your organization manufactures or is in search of structural members, fire rated assemblies, or fire resistance elements, please visit the Approval Guide and contact Joanna Blaney (Technical Team Manager, Building Materials).