Counterfeit ATEX Certificate Misrepresenting LTX-3000-H Two Wire Temperature Transmitters

  • Type of Notification: Counterfeiting
  • FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved

Alert Summary

FM Approvals has been made aware of a falsified FM Approvals ATEX Certificate. The document (inserted as Figure 1) is an image of the falsified ATEX Certificate misrepresenting LTX-3000-H Two Wire Temperature Transmitters as ATEX compliant and certified by FM Approvals notified body number 1725. The certificate was sent to Anand Industries who claimed no knowledge of the falsified document.

Company Identity

Anand Industries


Note: The address is not completely legible on the as received document in Figure 1.

Product Identity

LTX-3000-H Two Wire Temperature Transmitters

Geographic Area Impacted


Hazard Involved

The products described in the falsified ATEX Certificate in Figure 1 below have never been tested or certified as FM Approved or ATEX compliant. Use of products represented by this false claim may present a property risk for the user.

Suspect Counterfeiting?

If you have information relative to the falsified ATEX Certificate, please report that to FM Approvals contacts below:

Thomas McCarty

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4802
