Safety Concern with Turck Inc. Ex Process Wiring System Receptacles

  • Type of Notification: Product Safety Notification
  • FM Approval Status: FM Approved

FM Approvals has been notified by Turck Inc of a potential safety concern involving FM Approved Ex Receptacles. See attached Product Alert issued by Turck Inc.


Company Identity: Turck Inc.


Name: Turck Inc.

Address:  3000 Campus Dr., Plymouth, Minnesota 55441, USA


Contact Information:  Warranty Department:


Product Identity: Turk model series P-RSFV…EX-*14.5NPT and P-RSFV…EX-*/14.75/NPT Process Wiring System Receptacles with a date code prior to Week 25 of 2018 (2518)


Description: The Turk model series P-RSFV…EX-*14.5NPT and P-RSFV…EX-*/14.75/NPT Process Wiring System are approved as Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I Zone 0, Group IIC and Class I, II, III Division 1, Groups A,B, C, D, E, F and G as well as Nonincendive for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B, C and D, Hazardous (Classified) Locations.


Make/Model: Process Wiring System/P-RSFV…EX-*14.5NPT and P-RSFV…EX-*/14.75/NPT


Nameplate Data: Model P-RSFV…EX-*14.5NPT and P-RSFV…EX-*/14.75/NPT bearing the FM Approval Mark with the following Marking:


Dwg QCF-147


FM Approval Status:  FM Approved


Hazard Involved: The products identified have been confirmed to have smaller pins than those originally Approved.  The receptacles’ ability to withstand high pressures has been greatly reduced, with a potential for the receptacles installed in an explosionproof enclosure to be ineffective. It is advised that if you do have one of these receptacles that fall within the identified date code, and installed in a hazardous location, that the receptacle be replaced.


Turck Inc. is reaching out to all affected users and is conducting an exchange program for product that falls within the identified date range (see attached Product Notice).

Using This Product?

If you have any questions or concerns related to this Product Alert please contact:

Antonio Pires

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4825
