Jan 12, 2015

Simplex 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panels Contain Defective Chip

  • Type of Notification: Product Recall
  • FM Approval Status: FM Approved

Alert Summary

FM Approvals received the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) product recall link below as issued from Tyco Fire Protection. The notice alerts users that certain Simplex 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panels may contain a defective chip that can cause premature battery failure and prevent activation of devices during alarm conditions, posing a risk of injury.

Company Identity*

Simplex Time Recorder Co.


50 Technology Drive
Westminster, MA 01441-0001, USA

Contact information

Tyco at (800) 746 7539 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or online at www.tycosimplexgrinnell.com and click on the Recall Alert button at the bottom of the page. Simplex Grinnell is inspecting and replacing all circuit boards with the defective chip. Simplex Grinnell and Tyco are contacting purchaser directly.

Product Identity

Simplex 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panels sold exclusively by SimplexGrinnell from March 2014 through June 2014.

FM Approval Status

FM Approved under the following categories:

  • Local Protective Signaling System
  • Emergency Voice/Alarm Communication System
  • Proprietary Signaling System
  • Remote Station Signaling System
  • Central Station Signaling Systems
  • Automatic Releases for Preaction and Deluge Sprinkler Systems
  • Automatic Releases for Extinguishing Systems and Other Fire Protection Equipment

Hazard Involved

A defective chip in the alarm panel can cause premature battery failure and prevent activation of devices during alarm conditions, posing a risk of injury and property damage. There have been no reported injuries or incidents at this time.

Visit the CPSC website for more information.

*Note: As a point of clarification, Tyco Fire Protection, Simplex Time Recorder Company, Simplex Grinnell and Tyco International are all related.

Using This Product?

If you suspect you are in possession of any of the affected equipment listed above bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Thomas McCarty

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4802
